My word for 2020!
Every year in January we hold our "What is Your Word this Year?"contest. Words are powerful and that is why we hand engrave them on our charms with the idea that if you speak it, write it, believe it, then you will manifest it in your life. At the very least, it gets you to reflect on the past year and focus on something meaningful to you in the new year. This is my favorite contest because I am always so impressed by how honest and authentic people are in choosing their words and why they chose them. Click here to see everyone's words at the bottom of the contest blog. If you watch the news it seems as if the world is pretty chaotic right now, however, I have found through this contest that individually, people are doing great things, being very aware and moving forward in a positive direction.
This year my word did not come easily to me and took a lot of work and reflection on my part. I usually start the contest by sharing my word and inspiring others to share theirs but this year I am ending the contest with my word because I had a bit of work to do in discovering it. My friend, Sarah, gave me a very special birthday gift this year which was an
Astrology reading by Sally Sanford. This is a chart and 45 page report on your life's path based on the exact time, date and place of your birth. Meeting with Sally is like a years worth of therapy and an amazing experience, here's her email address should you want to have your own chart done. Working with Sally and reflecting on the past year were catalysts in discovering my word for this year which is SHINE.

I have engraved my word on a NEW CHARM that we created and I encourage you to do the same either by purchasing your own, writing it on a piece of paper that you keep in your wallet or simply by starting each day with your word in mind.

I am so excited to announce the winner of this year's contest is Elizabeth Bible. She receives her word "Courageous" engraved on our new Diamond Charm in 14k gold. Thank you for joining me on this journey and may this year be your year to SHINE!
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